"Your self worth is determimed by you. You don't have to depend on someone telling you who you are.", said Beyonce. Live in this world with your head always held high by being yourself. And why do one should try to copy others, when it is a certitude that everyone is unique in his own way.

Well, you'll find many who will tell you to be yourself. But nobody tells that how could one practice this stuff. All that one needs to "Be oneself" is loving oneself. There is no other way out. Just love yourself, respect yourself, 'cause as I earlier mentioned in one of my blogs that "Solitude has its own company." Love yourself so much that your energy and your aura rejects anyone who doesn't know your worth.

Acknowledge the fact that you are beautiful in your own way. What is most important is that you are a Creation of God, can anything be lovelier than this? Each soul on this Earth is to serve a reason, to serve a cause. Quoting Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."

Be confident of your skin, be confident of your body, be confident of your attitude, be confident of everything you do, be confident of your goals, be confident of your success, be confident of your worth. Never allow yourself to creep into inferiority complex even when myriads are looking down upon you.

Try to achieve things in your life that set you apart from the crowd and this is only possible when you will be yourself, else world will call you a cheater, a copycat. However, this doesn't imply that you shouldn't set a role model. One, of course, should have a role model, one should try to learn things as much as possible, one should try to gain experiences from this world.

Having a role model, following someone else's footprints doesn't mean that you should mould yourself into ditto copy of the same. Take lessons from their lives. Set your own principles. Create your own identity. Let the world see you as you are. Let the world remember you as you were, when you are gone.

So "Just be yourself as if you won't be, world will lack a unique Creation." - Rafea Zaidi.

