I often wonder how an innocent and pure kid could give so much of grief and distress to a family that they have to place him in a cruel world full of strangers and they live like nothing had happened without any regrets. It is hard when your life has been forcefully shaped in some circumstances about which you have no say, being a kid; you cannot do anything about this. Someone who is now an orphan got abandoned just because she was a girl and someone else because he was an illegitimate one, the life of these children is full of adversity and hatred.

In my opinion, life as an orphan is horrible because, in orphan homes, there is a very little care, it is because; the attenders at orphan homes are very strict and if they see anyone doing something else than studying or praying, they just shout on children or beat them up, because of it, if a child tries to replace an attendee with his or her family, they terribly failed. They got torn stuff to wear and play; nobody donates them new clothes or clothes of their size. They have to wait so long for any celebration; they are not even able to remember their birthdate or their real name. They have to take bath and get ready in such an early age, unlike healthy kids there are nobody to do that for the orphans. Sometimes you get adopted by a family and sometimes you are not, you have to live there until the age of 18 in such a disgusting place.

The irony

The real irony in this is the difference between the life of orphans and non-orphans. A typical child gets all the love, care, trust, emotional treatment and is psychologically well, while an orphan gets all the abuses. They grow up having lower psychological wellbeing; they suffer emotional and physical difficulties; they have trust issues. You know, when a normal kid gets hurt and cry, he goes to his mom and takes love and affection from them but if an orphan gets hurt, he has no one to befriend and love.

healthy children have parents to teach them the discipline and ethical behavior, but orphans do not have any parent or guardian, they have to do everything by themselves, as mention earlier they have to mind themselves on their own. They live in such a miserable condition; they are forced to work even if they are not capable of doing such work. The worst situation is sometimes the flawed orphanage sold children to the child trafficking gangs for money. They do not even have a mattress to sleep. They do not have the minimum facility of education.

Children having a poor environment were more alienated than children live in a home environment. Orphanage children are more alienated and hostile than healthy children. Orphanage children are deprived of parental love, affection, and security, which leads to economic and social problems. They live with lower self-esteem, depression, and anxiety, orphan children are emotionally irresponsive. Non-orphan children have higher self-esteem than orphan children.

What we can do for them

In this busy and hectic life spare a day for the orphan children, play with them, celebrate your happiness with them, donate them some fresh clothes and toys or some sweets, you can also plan a picnic by doing a collaboration with NGOs. You can take the responsibility of some children to provide them the facility of education.



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Ud  •  5y  •  Reply
Very well written.!! Check out my articles too :)