While the body is subject to ageing the mind is not . Thus a Healthy person may with passage of time, grow old with age. On the other hand , the mental faculty of a person not only increase with age , but he becomes more mature , wiser and experienced. People come to him advice for advice and guidance. Unlike the body it is unaffected by fatigue and overwork, on the contrary the more we use it the more perfect it becomes . It enables us to imbibe knowledge , which we can use for our own betterment , or for the welfare of the society. For as we all know "knowledge is power" . The power if used judiciously , can make us advance in our life. It is therefore , not uncommon to find people of a frail constitution , managing the destiny of their countries. They hold sway over million of otherwise well-bodies people. So all pervading is its impact on our lives, that it moulds our personality by making us more humane , loving , compassionate and caring. Thus endearing us to the people and the society.