Show Some Respect To The Biggest Land Animals On Earth ...

Priyanka Chatterjee
Mar 23, 2019   •  4 views

10 fascinating facts about the biggest land animals on earth -Elephants.

Elephants are not only the largest but also are extremely intelligent species. They follow certain rules and structures when it comes to lifestyle.

  • Elephants mostly live in herds , a group of elephants ,consisting of around 20 elephants. When the herd expands in numbers ,the elephant's split into smaller groups. However, they maintain their bonds.

  • These herds follows a matriarchal structure with the eldest female elephant in charge of the rest. There are mostly female members and calves in these herds.

  • Male elephants are sexually mature between the age 8-13 years of age and are forced to move out of the herd to live by their own. They later join male bachelors elephant herds.

  • The eldest female is known as the matriarch , is responsible for finding food and water sources , navigation and guiding the rest of the herd. Rest of the herb relies on her strong memory and experience .

  • During the dry season the elephants move from one place to another in search of food and water. They always need adequate supply of water and food. While moving they come across several danger zones and in times like this they keep their calves in between adult members to protect them from potential predators.

  • In a day , adult elephants needs up to 90 lt of water and 75-150 kgs of food. They eat for 16 hours a day.

  • Their large ears help them to maintain their body temperature and when required it helps them to reduce up to 5 degrees of temperature to keep themselves cool.

  • The matriarch teaches the young calves to socialise. They are protected by their mothers up to 5 years of age until they can moderately look after themselves.

  • Even though elephants live in separate groups when they meet near water sources , they recognise each other and greet each other using their trunks either by holding it out high or by inserting it the the mouth of the other elephant.

  • African elephants can live up to 70 years of age , whereas Asian elephants live up to 60 years.

