Important Shortcuts In Photoshop

Prawesh Mohan
May 25, 2019   •  116 views

Wanna make your designig smooth and fast? There are alot of shortcuts in photoshop. Here are some important shortcuts that you can use to make your designing smooth and fast.

  1. 'Ctrl+N' = Creates the new workspace

  2. 'Ctrl+O' = Opens existing project

  3. 'Ctrl+S' = Save the project

  4. 'Ctrl+Shift+S' = Save the project as

  5. 'Alt+Shift+Ctrl+W' = Export as

  6. 'Ctrl+Q' = Exit

  7. 'Ctrl+Z' = Undo

  8. 'Shift+Ctrl+Z' = Step forward

  9. 'Alt+Ctrl+Z' = Step backward

  10. 'Ctrl+X' = Cut

  11. 'Ctrl+C' = Copy

  12. 'Ctrl+V' = Paste

  13. 'Ctrl+T' = Free transform

  14. 'Ctrl+L' = Opens label

  15. 'Ctrl+M' = Opens curves

Note: If your are using Macos just use command instead of ctrl

