What Is The Meaning Of "True Love"?

Pratiksha Satpathy
Jun 24, 2019   •  10 views

If we go with the biological definition, it is:
Love= Attraction+ Attachment
Repeat it for a second in your curious mind.

  • In true love, we accept the person even after knowing all his/herimperfections.

  • It is when somebody knows theworstparts of you and still chooses to spend theirtimewith you.

  • It's when you are thefirstperson in someone's mind when they haveexciting/sadnews.

  • It's when someone will have your back even if they think you are wrong.

True love is the state you are in when you feel connected, attached, and happy with someone. It is a place where you feel a permanent sense of connection with someone else, regardless of what happens.

  • True love is about meeting each other’s expectations and loving each other with trust, acceptance, and support. True love is about treating someone with the kind of respect that they deserve because you view them in a loving manner.

  • People who are experiencing true love don’t hide stuff from each other. They openly share their lives because they want to share their lives with that person. That is a part of being in a loving long-term relationship with someone. You don’t want to hide anything from them because you want them to share in your life – the good and the bad – and understand what you experience.

  • If you have found true love, then you will give and receive respect. You will respect them for who they are and what they do in the world, including with you. You will see the good in them. You will treat them as a human being and view them as your equal, not your superior or someone who is lower than you. And, they will treat you with the same level of respect.

  • When you have found true love, you care about each other’s happiness and health. This means that you don’t try to hurt their happiness or health in any way.

A promise to someone you truly love has a lot of weight. Promises are an extension of trust. When someone you love promises to do something and breaks it, then they are breaking your trust on some level. This is why someone who truly loves you will inform you of the times they can’t make their promises instead of just leaving you hanging in the dust, and vice-versa.

  • When they smile, you feel happy. When they are experiencing joy, you feel joy too. When they are feeling loved, appreciated, or on top of their game, you feel good. Even if you are unhappy with yourself, you feel a sense of appreciation that they are feeling good. That’s what true love is really all about. You value them so much that you want them to be happy in life and free from suffering.

  • Your partner gets sick, physically or mentally. They are struggling with a life crisis that has pushed them into a different state of being. They are struggling with finding themselves. All of these times can be tough, but if you are experiencing true love with someone, you will stay, support, and find ways to help them through their tough times.

  • There’s only one person you want to flirt with. Singles are used to flirting, subtly or overtly, but now you’re interested in charming only your partner in true love.

  • You do things to bring happiness to your partner, without expecting something in return. The only motivation to give is because you want to enrich your partner’s life.

  • True love is something to aspire to, not to automatically have. Work on building your relationship. Work on developing more trust, communication, respect, and compromise. And work towards a truly loving relationship with them.

  • It’s human nature to be attracted to other people, to allow your head to be turned by an attractive passerby. Don’t let this make you feel guilty. As long as you’re committed to your partner, your relationship is fine. When you’re truly in love, you don’twantto be with anyone else. You can’t imagine spending your time without your sweetheart.



Profile of Piyush
Piyush  •  4y  •  Reply
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Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  4y  •  Reply
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