Depression is one of the most unique things. No one wants to talk about it but if you find the courage to speak up the chances is the people will not understand it. people take depression as far as they can before it chews them up and spits them out.

Some of the major symptoms of depression are as follows -:

1.Trouble sleepingDepressed people often lie awake at night, unable to sleep and in other cases, they sleep for longer duration in the day and find it difficult to go out of bed

2.Loss of InterestThey lose interest in day to day activities and life turns out to be more about suffering than living. finds no motivation to deal with any sort of work. They tend to withdraw themselves from others. Some people turn to hobbies they enjoy when they feel blue, but people with major depression tend to avoid them.

3.Increase in Energyironically! when a depressed person make a resolution to kill himself, he gets filled up with energy, That's because they feel a sense of relief in doing so.

4.Change in Appetite a depressed person either overeat or doesn't eat at all, it’s because they do not concern about physical well being.

5.An Emerging Dark Side “A person who is severely depressed may become preoccupied with death and other morose topics, For example, he or she may talk about what things will be like “after I am gone,” and may also become more likely to take uncalculated risks.

How to get treated from depression

Stick With Your Depression Medication Plan consult the doctor and stick with the medication plan . since most of the people when they start feeling good and better they usually leave the medication course which is why after some time depression hits them back

Mediation on a regular basis for a regular interval of time can help a person to cope up with depression. Mediation helps in emotional stability, mood swings, and brings you in present from past. It also helps in regulating new thoughts. Which in turn negative perspective towards life into a positive outlook.

Exercise boosts mood by releasing endorphins — chemicals in the brain that naturally ease pain and improve sleep, few of the exercise is quite simple such as jogging, running, aerobics.

Avoid alcohol and drugs
Avoid adulterine substances as much as you can because they affect mood drastically, it may help you in escaping the situation for time being but then it will come back like never before. strictly avoid them.

Build a Support System
One of the major causes of depression is isolation. Meet people, groups and shares your problem. Sharing your problem helps in regulating your thoughts and you will realize that you are not alone who is dealing with it. Communicate as much as you can it will help you to come out the “dark zone “of your life,

Consider volunteering your time to get involved with support groups so you can learn good strategies to deal with your depression from others and share your experiences



Profile of Sarath Krishna
Sarath Krishna  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Prateek
Prateek   •  5y  •  Reply
thanks tushar
Profile of Tushar Rao
Tushar Rao  •  5y  •  Reply
Very well written. 😀😀