Dark Side Of Falling In Love?

Mar 12, 2019   •  139 views

Wait, whattt? Am in love?
No way …
(Fast forward 2 days)
(Fast forward 2 hours)
Yes definitively

Thinking of her
(blah blah ….shit shit..)

You confess to your best friend and then rest of the world gets to know about it.
Dying to talk and text

Wait ...is she running in my veins? I can’t stop thinking of her
Is she a drug ? Is this how love feels like
You meet that person for the first time, your heart beats fast, you question yourself am I looking good , is it nice? You spend hours standing in front of mirror struggling with one strang of hair that’s not getting adjust.

Ohh love...It’s amazing when you feel it. When you know it’s happening.

Fast forward after years when it ends, it breaks everything inside you, it’s terrible, but coming out of it makes you stronger than you ever thought. It makes you realize that you need to love yourself first before falling for someone else but when things turn down and angel turns into devil, life changes in a moment and its the dark cloud that blocks the sunshine. The air you felt brushing your hairs feels like suffocating, life turns into hell in matter of time.

The dark sides of falling in love -

  • Insecurity

In relationship insecurity comes in as soon as love exit, the question that pops up “Do you feel that you don’t deserve lasting love and that partners will ultimately leave you? Do you stay at home, afraid to go out and meet new people because you don’t feel you have enough to offer? Do you feel overweight, boring, stupid,guilty, or ugly?”

40% of our “happiness quotient” is based on recent life events. The biggest negative contributor to happiness is the ending of a relationship, followed by the death of a spouse,jobloss, and negativehealthevents. Since unhappiness also influences yourself-esteem, failure and rejection can deliver a double blow to your confidence.

How to overcome insecurity
The key is to move on with life and adapt changes that are necessary for you. Get right people around you who can give you correct feedback. Communicate with friends and family for distraction and comfort. Stick to your new pattern for a positive change in life.

  • Obsessed

Constant thinking about the person. Being jealous if he/she meets with someone of opposite sex and her day to day activity will have control on your mood

How to overcome obession ?
Mediation brings your focus to present and brings with peace itself , the idea is to shift your focus from the person

Stop visualizing
Stop visualizing about the person . it will cut short the thought process . replace that person with greater goal in your life , be mentally strongand order your mind to stop thinking about the person

  • ·Seeksemotional support

A person seeks emotional support after breakup and in order to find someone him /her ends being more venerable and confused and that’s why comes back to back in different relationships to get that emotional support.

how to overcome ?
Share and ventilate
The best cure to this “emotional support “is to share your emotions with the person who understands you completely. The more you communicate the more things will become lighter and you will start dealing with everything by yourself over a period of time.

  • Loose trust

A person being cheated by their own partner leaves him with no trust at all and it takes times to rebuild trust with anyone in near future , the persons start doubting everything.

how to build trsut again
It takes time to rebuild trust for someone because of his past experience but one need to understand that everyone is different .One needs to change his perspective towards other and start believing that you can trust another person.

  • Depressed

One of the most extreme condition of dark side of love is being depressed . it take time to get out of it , people get suicidal thinking , one needs to deal with it and understand that life is beautiful on other side of the tunnel .

There are nice people; there are who are equally being cheated but still continuous to move on with life.

“Love is not life, love is part of life”
“She was part of your life, not your whole life “

