We have the habit of spreading awareness issues just after the fireincident occurs, before that we never take any important precautions.Non-compliant construction; lack of precautionary maintenance like theunavailability of fire extinguisher, lack of fire doors or fire exits, poor legalbackingand absence of training and education towards fire safety
proper facilities can minimize the risk of life.

Fire is one of the top biggest risks of death in India which takes many
lives every year. But despite of so many fire related issues each year,
we are not making ourselves precautionary enough to protect us in an
emergency.Theyere are proper guidelines from the government for office buildings and
residential houses that they need to have fire safety equipment inside
them. Before opening any school, college of commercial complex in an
urban area a safety permission needs to be taken from the Municipality

But people are not taking these guidelines seriously, there are around
90% of commercial buildings and tuition classes which are operating
without any fire safety equipment.If you look into previous incidents of fire most of them are because ofshort-circuit. Despite of all this, in most of the houses and buildings inIndia there are open wire electric connection system which can easily
catch fire due to spark of the electricity. Yet neither government nor the
people are getting aware of these issues. Government has just made the
laws but there are no strict rules to implement them and because of this
people are also careless about fire safety and they pay least attention to
such issues.Today’s Fire Incident in Surat is the best example to highlight our
carelessness towards fire safety. Around 15 people died among them 10
were students who went for their tuition classes. Here also the fire was
started due to short-Circuit and there was no fire extinguisher or fire
alarm in the building.We need strict laws and more awareness regarding fire safety so thatwe can secure ourselves from such incidents in near future.

