Have you ever had experienced a breakout of your skin as any important day is approaching near? Our skin usually does this thing called “what it wants”. Pimples are extremely painful to even look at. They are usually bumps of pus, oil and sweat formed due to the accumulation of dead skin cells, calluses, and oil, trapped in the skin pores. Its most extreme condition can result in pustules or papules. A pustule is a blister filled with pus, whereas a papule is like a skin lesion which changes its form and colour.

Pimples are usually caused due to accumulation of dead skin or clogging of skin pores due to excess oil and other dust impurities, if hygiene of the skin is not maintained. Other plausible reasons include bacterial or fungal infections on the skin, allergic compounds in contact with the skin, dandruff, etc. There are glands on the skin called sebaceous glands, which produce sebum inside the pores, which results in younger skin cells growing and the old and dead ones being shed. Sometimes, the old skin cells are not shed, and get stuck to the sebum, causing a blockage in the pore. Our skin breathes through these pores and pimples are extremely unhealthy as they block the respiration of the skin.


Pimples can first be visible as the following and gradually grow into its aggravated forms-
Closed plugged pores or whiteheads: It is a clogged skin pore or hair follicle with dead skin cells, skin oils and bacterial cells. They are commonly caused due to use of oil based hair and skin products, poor hygiene or even wearing tight clothes.

Open plugged pores or blackheads: They are similar to whiteheads in all aspects, but the only difference is that these are open pores whereas whiteheads are closed pores.

Papules: They are tine red bumps, caused due to tenderness of skin and are first signs of acne. If ignored, they can further get spread or harm the skin pores.

Pustules: They are papules with pus formations at their tips. They can be extremely painful and difficult to get rid of until and unless the pus is released completely. There is high risk of spread of infection at this stage.

Nodules: If you have come this far without devoting any serious treatment to you acne, or have not paid attention to the primitive signs, then the skin beneath the pores becomes solid and clotted, which deepens the block in the pore leaving it unbreathable.

Cystic lesions: They are painful and filled with pus, and the hair follicles also get affected. It is the most severe form of acne. The best thing to do is to visitdoctor at this stage.


It is advisable to treat acne as soon as you notice as it can only deprecate if left unnoticed. White heads and Black heads can be easily treated at home using natural ingredients, a gentle cleanser and oil free products. It is cheap and not painful at all and can save you a lot of hospital bills and visits to the dermatologist. But, if this at- home treatment is ineffective, then one must immediately see the dermatologist, who would probably prescribe antibiotics to cure the infection, if any. There are many acne creams and face washes that claim to prevent and cure acne. But remember, everybody has a distinct skin type. Each and every product might not suit everybody. If there is any side effect or allergic reaction due to application of a cosmetic product, visit your skin specialist immediately. In a few appointments, you will see better result and reduction of acne, and attain the clear skin that you have been longing for.

Maintain proper hygiene.
Wash your face twice a day with a suitable face wash to get rid of oil, dust and pollution.
Do not share napkins or towels as they can carry infections from one person to another.
Use water based moisturisers if you have oily skin.
Minimize the application of make-up and other cosmetics only to quintessential occasions.
Never fall asleep with make-up on. Make sure you religiously follow your bedtime skincare routine no matter how tired you are.

Carry wet wipes with you anywhere you go.
Exfoliate and cleanse your skin once a week.
Drink lots and lots of water, to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

