In most aspects of life and society there have been many changes in the last 100 years. One such area of change has been in education and there are significant differences between the classroom of 100 years ago and the classroom as it is today. I believe education has changed drastically over the past one hundred years.

One thing that has changed is the technology in classrooms.Over one hundred years, technology has rapidly evolved for education and the world in general.

Another thing that has changed is leaving school age and learning.Back one hundred years ago, the school leaving age was merely twelve, now it’s eighteen, unless the student wants to go to college.Furthermore, what students learned has gone from really general to a bunch of different branches of the general subjects.

The third thing that has changed in education is discipline.Discipline in education has gone from physical abuse to suspension, deans of discipline, and alternative schools.

fourth thing that has changed in education is Students are able to choose their own individual path for the future Earlier students had limited careers.

The last thing that has changed is the teachers.Teachers have probably evolved the most, besides the technology.A student's educational environment has become more positive, yet more complicated over the last century.

The technology in the classroom has probably changed the most in the past one hundred years.Education went from chalk and slate to interactive whiteboards.Back then, about one hundred years ago, they had no technology, they had to do everything by hand.The most technological thing they had was the typewriter .

Schools started rapidly adopting newer technologies in the latter half of the 20th century. Computers started becoming really popular in schools in the early 19s.

Education has seen many changes in the last 100 years and many people would argue that these changes have been for the greater good of the students. Examples of changes include teaching style, classroom equipment, the curriculum and less segregation in schools.

