Life has never been perfect for anyone and I guess, an absolutely content one isn’t worth living.
I couldn’t fathom what counts and what doesn’t, never once. To me, everything mattered and my
thoughts revolved around every clichéd teenage insecurities and fantasies, just like most girls my age.

The difference? I was a normal girl inside a plus sized body type.

It was an oddly pleasant evening of September. We had just gotten over with our periodic grade tests

and it was now that weekends were never spent at home, for the greater part of my class, but at
random houses getting wasted.

But there was this one time when it was different than usual.

‘Interested?’, read a text from Michelle, under the subject ‘Party at my place’. It was not something that

happened too often with me, so, yes I was interested and eventually landed up in that party.
Making my way through the, what seemed like, an outpouring bunch of crowd, I reached my favorite
corner in every household (Shamelessly admitting it), the kitchen. One thing that intrigued me about

parties was the food, lots and lots of them. As I crunched on every last bit of the nachos from one of the

bowls, my passive dream of getting thinner kept slipping away from my reach. And all I did to console

myself was periodically sigh.
As I was just getting hold of another bowl of munchies, I felt a tight grasp, ‘No more for you, fatso. You’d

probably burst right after this, considering how much you’ve already inflated in an hour’
Astonishingly familiar minus the charm, this time, the sentences belonged to Nathan.
‘Get your hand off me, Ross’
He suddenly opened his grip, which immediately produced a cooling effect on my wrist from the horridly

tight grasp he had on it.
He grinned and walked away.
For most of our school, he was an ideal man. Nobody could imagine Nathan being entitled to something

wrong, ever. There were several aspects of his character and somehow none of them ever degraded his
over glorified image that he had built all these years, except for that of a bully, a part of him which he

only revealed to me.