What is fashion?
Well, according to me fashion is about wearing clothes and accessories that we are comfortable in and that brings out your personality. You don't have to wear 6 inch stilettoes and break your back because its the current "fashion". You could wear a pair of sneakers because that's what you like and are comfortable in.
We all have fashion icons that we look up to. We try to follow the new trends they create and improvise on our style. If a well known celebrity wears a pair of safety pins as earrings it tends to become the "fashion". Anything that a celebrity wears tends to become the new trend. Fashion in this era has taken a new phase, for which, the sky is the limit. Anything wacky and eye catching seems to become the "fashion". The term fashion could be defined in many forms, but there is no particular definition that is applicable to each individual. Everyone has a different sense of fashion, a different taste and a different outlook on it.
Here a few female celebrities that made headlines in the fashion industry with their wacky sense of fashion :
No one is new to this name when we're talking about looks and fashion. Lady Gaga took fashion to the next level by wearing an entire outfit made out of meat. She wore this meat dress to the MTV music awards and received good as well as bad critics.
She has spared no opportunity to look different from the crowd on every event. The pom-pom dress worn by her took fashion to a higher level. When she appeared in the dress, she looked nothing less than a school pom-pom craft project!
Well known for her music hits, also made a fashion statement by wearing a neon dress that glowed in the dark and made her look like a neon monster. Her statement made fashion link with science.
She's well known for her wacky sense of fashion and appears at every event in different attires and looks. She made big headlines when she dressed as a chandelier this Met Gala and dressed as a burger in the after party.
The music queen took many for surprise when she turned at an event with a dress that had a doll attached to it. She's made entries at various events with very unique outfits.
What is your definition of fashion?
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