The many vulnerable situations we face in our life makes us feel dependent on an exterior factor for strength, courage and motivation.

Sometimes they might be whole big theoritcal concepts like Horoscope, Numerology and the others where a solo person appears as the life changer and ' The Miracle Man' reasonable for the transitions of our lives.

Whoever makes sense in those crazy, vulnerable moments of our lives start appearing as a Godly , Demi-Gods, Messengers of Gods for us.

While the things they say are so simple, sometimes even tiny things we know but do not follow, creates a high impact on us and after a series of impacts created by that certain person, we become their devotees, disciples etc,.

For example, one of the most controversial baba 'Osho' preaches self-love and compassion which are so simple subjects yet powerful to transform our lives. It's not that we don't know these little things, but we are afraid of doing things which are not accepted or not preached by some influencing figure.

Logically, as far as these belief's are under control and non-obsessive, they boost the confidence of individuals and helps them in being more motivated.

Some beliefs even make you a good person.

For example some local churches preach that if a person hasn't asked for forgiveness from Jesus for all the Sins they have committed since the last time they have been to church service, they shouldn't share the bread and wine served during the communion.

I don't know exactly who proposed and enforced this rule but psychologically, the fact that you are not able to share the holy bread and wine which symbolises ' One bread One body' and sharing in their tradition just detoriates you from inside and forced you to start asking forgiveness and gradually to stop doing sins.

So what exactly is my point then?

' Practice what you preach '

Ever heard of this saying before?
Right, how many of those 'Babas' follow what they preach?
Barely none..!!

What if in the above 'Bread' example, the holy father himself committed sins but to display the superiority, consumes the bread and wine?

What happens to the mental state of all the religiously inferior disciples when they find out about it?

Some of the stupid followers choose violent ways, some just go back to their original sulking behaviour as they feel they are not the deserving, great people anymore just because they believed in some wrong person.

There were almost 12-14 barbaric babas who were accused and convicted of various criminal charges but still their followers, more barbaric than the preachers themselves blame the governments, courts and few innocent people too.

In August,2017 when Gurmeet Singh, the 'Rockstar Baba' is found guilty in two rape cases, violence broke out in a town of Haryana where 38 people died because 'Law did it's duty'.

I still don't understand how people support a rapist in this country where Goddesses are worshipped than any other part of the world.

All these babas preach simplicity, detachment from materialistic temptations but own a hell number of estates, cars, business in the name of ' Offerings From Disciples', while none of the disciples is as rich as them.

" One should have belief but not blind belief "

"When people start liking your words, make sure that you match your actions with those words too."

