The above phrase brings to mind probably the word 'overthinking'. While this Wrytup is as much about it as the traditional thinking, the emphasis will be on whatever you focus on! Thinking is isn't altogether good or bad. You might have heard of words like 'thinking player', 'think-tank', 'thinker' and so on. When you are labelled a 'thinking player',it says, "Hold on, I believe you analyse your game well". Likewise, a 'think-tank' is the backbone of any organisation, party or government — they are the people who drive each of these to glory. Thinking as a good trait is further emphasized by the age-old adages — Think twice before you speak once and Think before you leap. Surely, all of us would have come across these back in the school days of Panchatantra and Aesop's fables. In the recent years,sportspersons and successful businessmen have attributed their success to visualising, wherein, they think about the way to go about their game and see it in their heads.

So while thinking cannot be labelled as useless, it's not without it's share of demerits. Thinking over silly stuff is a must avoid in many of our New Year resolutions,at least, it's been one in mine for rthe past few years. So how come I can't follow something as basic? Well,the fault lies in how I phrase it. How exactly can anyone classify something as silly? Now,that requires some thought. Well,that's it; back to square one more thinking. So I end up thinking about silly things more than necessary, thereby wasting quality time and reaching nowhere in the end.

Meditation has been suggested as a solution but personally, I feel it creates more problems — the feeling of discontent because you think you can't do it well and, for some of us, a feeling of another waste of time. Hence, I would suggest exercising greater control of your mind; taking the reins firmly into your own hands. Just take decisions on whether to think about or not on things arbitrarily. Remember on the road of life, you take decisions some take you on a path full of potholes; some other on a expressway to your destination. Ultimately, all that matters is you making it there.



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Esha Patel   •  4y  •  Reply
Read your blog! I’d really appreciate if you could check out my blogs too and I’d definitely return the favour ;)