Mental Illness – “A Stigma”

Jul 11, 2019   •  50 views


“Maybe we all have darkness inside of us and some of us are better at dealing with it than others.”

In today’s time everyone is busy in their fast pacing lives. The ability to cut through the competition and to be best out of all, people are working hard which is somehow harming them mentally and physically. Physical injuries are cured to some extent but no one pays heed to mental health. Prolonged circumvent can degrade the condition.

But the question that pops in the mind is what is mental health all about?

Mental health is the state of an absence of mental illness. Every person has a limit to perform an activity, and if he or she does it above the threshold level, it will make them ill.

Mental health, can be caused by a range of social factors that need to be addressed through strategies for prevention and treatment.

Crucial factors of mental health and mental disorders include not only emotions, behaviours but also social, cultural, political and environmental factors. Specific psychological and personality factors also contribute towards the vulnerability and sickness. Genetic factors also play some role.

Treatment of mental health disorders is of utmost importance. Policy makers should be encouraged to promote inexpensive treatments at the primary health care level.

Mental health promotion creats an environment which promotes healthy living and encourages people to adapt healthy lifestyle. Government mental health policies should promote treatment of mental health disorders.

In India, WHO estimates that the mental health problems are of 2,443 per 100,000 population, and the suicide rate per 100,000 population is 21.1. It is estimated that, in India, the economic loss due to mental health conditions, is 1.03 trillion (2012-2030).

Mental health workforce in India include psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists and social workers.

But Why are we so reluctant to seek help when we know that this is major problem?

Why do we shy away from speaking about mental disorders?

Due to the fear of getting judged and labelled by the society. Mental illness is considered as taboo by the general public due to which discomfort is caused to the sufferers.

Why India needs to focus on mental health and wellbeing?

So that the people can enjoy, be productive and happy. They should start to feel better, look better, and get more out of life.

Mental illness is like a termite to our country, if we don’t take any measures it will be deleterious. We have to get rid of it, so as to produce positivity.

- Thank you

Parul Alag

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Profile of Ud
Ud  •  4y  •  Reply
very well check out my articles too :)
Profile of Parul
Parul  •  4y  •  Reply
Thanks @amritkaur
Profile of Amrit Kaur
Amrit Kaur  •  4y  •  Reply
You write great~🌸. Keep it up👍