Mental Health And Fitness Among Children

Parikshita Pal
Feb 01, 2019   •  5 views

Mental health is a the balanced development of the individual’s personality and emotinal attitudes.Mental health of children is much more important than physical health. Mental fitness makes children more successful person in world and also equipped physically, socially and morally.

Mental health is the health of the personality as a whole and the most important function of education and school is to secure the mental health. Physical fitness is not an end itself, but it means promoting mental and moral health of a child.

The two factors which delay the mental health of a child are the feeling of inferiority and the feeling of insecurity. The feeling of inferiority is dangerous and results in inhibition of certain reactions. The feeling of insecurity passes away as the child grows but if it remains then it will result in uncreativeness in child.However, for developing mental health and fitness of the children, some measures should be taken at school and home so that they learn something from whom they inspire.

