Depression-You Look Happy,But You Don't Feel Happy

Pallavi Varma
Aug 05, 2019   •  49 views
The real fear of depression isn't dying,it's living with yourself,forever.

Depression is a manageable, medical condition, which is characterized by moods and feelings.Everybody, at a certain point in life, feels blue or sad. The feeling of being sad is usually short-termed and it passes away in the matter of hours or days. Depression is a common, but a very serious illness, so it is really important for the person who has it to seek for treatment. In majority of cases, depression is curable, and that is why people should ask for help when they are in need. There are many ways to effectively treat depression like medications, psychotherapies, and other methods.

All in all, major depressive disorder prevents people from functioning normally. It can occur only once in a lifetime as a single episode, but most of the time people have multiple episodes.

Depression doesn’t discriminate by age, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation and can impact the ability to carry out even the simplest of every days tasks. Depression is experienced differently for everyone, ranging from the extremes of suicide all the way tohigh functioning depression. The challenge with brain-based conditions is that we can’t see them, it’s all on the inside and they look fine.

WHO estimates “more than 300 million people are now living with depression, an increase of more than 18% between 2005 and 2019. Lack of support for people with mental disorders, coupled with a fear of stigma, prevent many from accessing the treatment they need to live healthy, productive lives.”


  1. Excercise regularly &eat healthy foods.

  2. Get a reasonable amount of sleep each night.

  3. Find purpose.Put your focus on someone or something other than yourself.

  4. Create a list of small goals to achieve, check them off as you accomplish them.

  5. Journal your thoughts each night before bed to clear your

  6. Listen to music or watch a movie that makes you happy.

  7. Do a creative activity as a way to express emotion or as a distraction.

  8. Don't isolate yourself, be around people

Depression exist without you knowing it.even denying it is not an illusion.You don't know you're in takes awhile before you realize it.If you know someone who's depressed,please resolve never to ask them why.Depression isn't a straightforward response to a bad situation,depression is just like a weather.

