Understanding Creativity In Its Real Sence

Niyati Jaiswal
Jul 25, 2019   •  4 views

What is creativity

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

5 Characteristic of being creative

1. Don't hesitate to create whatever comes in your mind

Never stop without starting, jot down any idea that hits your mind. I repeat "any" idea. And for that you have to observe each and every thing to look at. Whether it be a movie,a book, a person or even your surrounding.

2. Create on a particular time interval

You should schedule yourself to work on a particular idea. Holding in to a single topic for months will waste your time, and sometimes, a little time is not enough.

3. Finish one idea before starting another

You have to do justice to whatever you are doing. You should research on it thoroughly. Then you shall leave it.

4. Do not judge your own work

It is natural to judge your work. It is natural to feel disappointed that your creation isn't as wonderful as you hoped it would be, or that you're not getting any better at your craft. But the key is to not let your discontent prevent you from continuing to do the work.

5. Share your work

Sometimes sharing your work means you have to deal with haters and critics. But more often than not, the only thing that happens is that you rally the people who believe the same things you believe, are excited about the same things you are excited about, or who support the work that you believe in — who wouldn't want that?

Natural creativity

While we often think of creativity as an event or as a natural skill that some people have and some don't, researchactually suggests that both creativity and non-creativity are learned.

According to psychology professor Barbara Kerr, “approximately 22 percent of the variance [in creativity] is due to the influence of genes.” This discovery was made by studying the differences in creative thinking between sets of twins.

All of this to say, claiming that“I'm just not the creative type”is a pretty weak excuse for avoiding creative thinking. Certainly, some people are primed to be more creative than others. However, nearly every person is born with some level of creative skill and the majority of our creative thinking abilities are trainable.

5 Quotes On Creativity

Creativity is intelligence having fun
Creativity is contagious, pass it on.
The chief enemy of creativity is good sense
Creativity is nothing but a mind set free
Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye.


There are no artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, or scientists who became great by half-finishing their work. Stop debating what you should make and just make something.



Profile of Madhav Kumar
Madhav Kumar  •  4y  •  Reply
This could have been better .....elaborate and tidy the things ...that's all🙂