Crackers For Safer, Greener & Healthier India

Nithish S
May 02, 2019   •  13 views

India is home to major religions of the world and a myriad of festivals associated with these religions. Diwali, more popularly known as the festival of lights is undoubtedly one of the most popular and highly anticipated festivals which is celebrated all over India. Fireworks make Diwali colourful, splendid and sparkling thereby giving us utmost happiness and satisfaction. But, how much do we know that this wonderful experience comes with great destruction to the environment and its ecosystem?

Being the second most populous country and a developing nation India has been facing the serious problem of increasing air pollution levels in recent years. Surprisingly, the burning of firecrackers on the occasion of Diwali alarmingly increases the level of air pollution almost quickly, particularly in highly populated areas.

  • More than 40 recognized and other potentially dangerous fireworks are burnt every year in India all of which have detrimental effects on the environment and humans. Air pollution is usually characterized by the presence of smog UIand haze containing particulate matter which when inhaled causes a variety of pulmonary diseases like asthma, cough, bronchitis, chronic obstructive lung disease and many more.The worst situation is caused when the toxic fumes from the firecrackers get mixed with the vehicular emission, and smoke from open-air burning, thus lowering the air quality.

Is there any way of celebrating Diwali while protecting our environment?

It is absolutely possible by the use of Green Firecrackers. The Council of Industrial and Scientific Research-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) of India is involved in extensive research to turn the dream of green firecrackers into reality.

Green firecrackers are crackers that do not contain any harmful chemicals. The substances used in green fire crackers will not harm the environment as much as the conventional firecrackers do.

These green firecrackers are perchlorate and sulfur free and contain relatively low amounts of metal compounds. Nitrates are used as oxidizers instead of lead or ash which further reduces the release of toxins into the air. The remnants after celebrations are usually carbon dioxide, water, and nitrogen with minimal air pollution. Water vapour is released as a dust suppressant by these eco-friendly firecrackers. This also dilutes the gaseous emissions in the air. Scientists have produced a flower pot that can reduce the emission of particulate matter by 40%.

Several research prototypes like the ones which have zero Sulphur dioxide emission, flower pots with eco-friendly substitutes for barium nitrate are in the process of development. Prototypes of electronic crackers (e- crackers) have also been developed by scientists.These crackers include Safe Thermite Crackers (STAR), Safe Minimal Aluminium (SAFL) and Safe Water Releaser (SWAS). Green firecrackers have gained much importance as they lower the risk of environmental pollution to a great extent.

Eco-friendly firecrackers are just as much fun as the traditional crackers and produce less amount of smoke and toxic gases. Furthermore, they also produce deeper shades of colours, thus making our Diwali more colourful and glittering.

Green Fire Crackers is the only way of celebrating a greener, safer and a guilt-free Diwali.

Image Source: Google
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