PCOD as said in the title is the acronym of Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease. Almost many Indians including women are unaware of this health condition. PCOD in short is having irregular menstrual cycles and erratic hormone function in the body. PCOD is an ovarian disease and can be effected for women of ages 14-60. Yes!!! PCOD has no pity. Let's see more about this disease.

PCOD is declared in a girl or a women if she's having irregular menstrual cycle and a thyroid functioning problems. This condition is diagonised and declared to a patient using an ultrasound test made on bare stomach and a thyroid test using a blood sample. PCOD can occur on ovary or two named as unilateral or bilateral poly cystic ovarian syndrome. The reason I wanted to discuss over this platform is to create awareness about the condition. Many Indian women doesn't know that they have PCOD.

image curtosy: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/pcos-symptoms-infographic-woman-wearing-hijab-1045102150

Now a days, PCOD has become common among studying girls.Yes!! this will be a trauma for them as their hearts are small and they are new to menstruation and they can't take it.PCOD,according to many surveys, has bcome common among urban women. The change inlifestyle, Having improper diets like junk and polluted food, Stress levels because of life situations contribute the problems in PCOD. Genetics also play a factor here. But, My point is that awareness about PCOD has to be given to every girl child in India. In India, where we are free to discuss about menstruation, We have to be aware about the problems related to it.

How to get cured from PCOD?

PCOD has no pity as I said before. It may affect anyone... ofcourse female ..:)). The worst part is PCOD is not completely curable but we can regulate hormones and rectify the adverse effects of PCOD. PCOD is nothing but improper menstruation and eggs will not get fertilised time to time due to hormonal imbalance. This condition may lead to infertility and formation of water cysts on ovaries which is the scary part. Yes.. Scary enough!! but As I said before, We can try to regulate hormones. Lets see the ways to cure PCOD.

image curtosy: https://inspiredtrait.com/2019/01/02/polycystic-ovarian-syndrome-pcos/

  • Try to attain weight loss as soon as you can.

  • Have a regular, proper and nutritious diet and at a proper time. Avoid junk, processed and packaged food. Eat food at regular intervals.

  • Exercising is must.Involve in a physical activity like yoga,zumba dance, aerobics and if you dont have time, Try to have awalk or jog in leisure time.

  • Try to have atleast 8 hr sleep at night as this regulates circadian rythm.

  • Monitor the cyclle of periods and have a track of it.

  • Don't overthink about PCOD. If you overthink, This will make the condition even worse.

image curtosy: Top 10 Home Remedies for PCOS | Best Natural PCOS Treatment

If your loved one is suffering with PCOD, It's not her fault too you know. It's this haphazard lifestyle and stresses that worsen the condition. Try to show concern about that person. They might be depressed, angry, moody as their hormones are irregular. Theirbody features may change like they tend to gain weught and have oily skin, unwanted hair growth,acne problems and change in voice too. This disease has to be fighted by medication and moral support. Support them to fight against his disease and if you dont have any person with this disease, Try to take care of women in your house. Women preoccupied with family takes less care about her health. As a part of family, we must take care of women whether it be a mother, wife, sister who are menstruating. More awareness has to be given to women as many women don't know about this disease especially to school girls as they are more prone for this disease. For women reading this article, Be aware of PCOD and PCOS. This below pic is for every women. PCOS awareness month is celebrated every September.

Image curtosy: https://lpjleague.org/pcos-awareness-month/

P.S: I am not a doctor and I have seen many women around me suffering this. This article is written with more study and If I did some faults, please excuse me with love:).Hope this article creates more awareness among public. Peace!!

Thumbnail curtosy: https://www.cafepress.com/+pcos+gifts



Profile of Jennifer Dylan
Jennifer Dylan  •  5y  •  Reply
Very good article...
Profile of Isaac Kollipara
Isaac Kollipara  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Nissi Kollipara
Nissi Kollipara  •  5y  •  Reply
Hope everyone get awared.