With the understanding that knowledge is the necessary precondition for putting skills and abilities into practice, the categories after knowledge were presented as abilities and skills. Taxonomy is popularly remembered according to-
1. The Original Taxonomy whose subcategories are: Comprehension, Knowledge, Analysis,
Evaluation, and Synthesis.
2. The Revised Taxonomy in which thinkers encounter work with knowledge and knowledge is at the basis of six cognitive processes defined as: Factual Knowledge, Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge, and Metacognitive Knowledge.
Bloom's taxonomy is a compilation of three hierarchical models used to categorize educational learning objectives into levels of involution and specificity. The Knowledge based, Emotion based, and action based are the three domains that covers the learning objectives and are corresponding to Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor domains respectively.
The Cognitive or Knowledge based domain is the original version of taxonomy and it is followed by six levels of objectives:
1. Knowledge: It involves discriminating and remembering basic concepts, matter of fact, terms.
2. Comprehension: It involves exhibiting an understanding of ideas by comparison, translation, and giving description. Like identifying the characteristics of green grapes with black grapes.
3. Application: It involves solving problems in a new situation using acquired knowledge.
4. Analysis
5. Synthesis
6. Evaluation
These three involves examining, building a structure, and presenting opinion regarding any information respectively.
The Affective or Emotion based domain depicts the way people react emotionally. It typically targets the consciousness and growth in feelings, emotions, and attitude. It consists of five levels of processes moving from higher to lower order are mentioned as:
1. Characterising
2. Organizing
3. Valuing
4. Responding
5. Receiving
These all processes concludes the ability of people to feel other living things, pain, happiness, etc.
The Psychomotor or Action based domain describes the ability of a person to tamper an instrument or tool and focuses on the development in behavior. It proposes the following levels:
1. Perception
2. Set
3. Guided Response
4. Mechanism
5. Complex Overt Response
6. Adaptation
7. Organization
Learning goals are important to establish in a pedagogical interchange so that teachers and students alike understand the purpose of that interchange.