Health is wealth
Everyone knows this fact but no one actually analyse this fact.have you ever thought of your health when you are fit and fine ? Most of the people would say No ? Why we care about money only? Even when we have it or not ? But we start health care when we come out of some disease ? Why this happen? May be because no one teach us the same ?
Story of money makers
Once upon a time ,there was a person who soent his whole life earning money .for him every phase of life is earning day he fell ill .he was in a big hostipal .even that time as well was thinking that money is everything.if he didn't have the money then how can he be able to be in such a big hispital.the end of the story make a realisation that some time ,the whole of life is spent on thinking about a wrong phase of life.for example if that person would spend some part of his life on taking care of his life as well then he would not be in a hospital .but monet makers will remain money maker. As per them that big hospital matters but not health .
Some easy way of self care
Exercise - atleast give half an hour to exercise,meditation and yoga in order to refresh yourself in morning.If you are preparing for a competitive exam then it becomes a neccessity to spend atleast half an hour.It would boost your stamina and brain power.
Always wash your hands and mouth before and after taking a meal.
Drink water in every 2 hour.It will not let you dehydrated.
Eat more and more fruits and avoid as much junk food as you can. Junk food harms you more than taste.but fruits gives you taste as well as health.Its better to spend money on health than on those things who just only harms you.
Trust yourself -i think this is one of the best way of keeping oneself mentally healthy.many times we think that we are not good for nothing.but trust me if you trust yourself this will give you an immense power to fight with those problems.
Life never gives you a second chance to get those things which you lost just because of your ignorance.
Health is one which never comes you back after it gone. But yes you can make it somehow better.but yes never stop believing yourself.start from today only.
Stop starting,start doing....
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