It is nothing but studying about our health in order to protect, prevent and improve our health.

Why health education is important?

It is important because it informs one about his/her health. By knowing our health we can take steps to prevent our health from diseases. We can also educate other people about their health. It creates an awareness and importance of our health.


Importance of Health Education- Source: SlideShare

Types of health education

Educating about the body and how to look after it

It is concerned with mainly fitness of the body. When we talk about fitness, it is necessary to change our transport pattern. Cycling is introduced in order to maintain fitness. Educating about the body is very essential so that one can get an idea of the functions happening in our body.

Education about available health services

People in a nation should have known the available health services in their nation. Because it helps them to get a clear cut idea on how to act in a crisis. In this, they are taught about what should be done in an accident area or any other emergency conditions. Moreover, it is like a first-aid treatment. This is very essential because it may even save the life after a tragic conditions.

Educating about public health

All the policies of health is being taught. The ultimate need for attaining good health is through food. This sector mainly covers the food policies. The rates and subsidies for food are decided. It includes taking statistics count of proper food consumption by the people. It also looks after agricultural policies. Building a road for cycling also comes under this category. This proves all policies are taken care under this public health. Public health is nothing but analysing the data on health over all the people in the nation. So that the nation's health could be improved.

Strategies of health education


Health Education Strategies- Source- SlideShare

  • It includes conduction of programs, seminars.

  • Slides, CDs, books, recorded audios are provided to the learners in order to give better knowledge.

  • Knowledge and training of the tutor is ensured thoroughly.

  • Convenient places are set up for the learners in order to participate in a large amount.

  • Quality of food, transport and many other criteria for proper health is taken into consideration and further steps to improve them according to our surroundings and nation's resources are being taught.

School health education


Coordinated School Health Education- Source: ScienceDirect

  • It involves teaching the school children about proper hygiene.

  • Proper hygiene is taught to prevent communicable diseases among children which usually spreads rapidly among them.

  • In addition to this, there are several problems related to children and adolescents.

  • It is also taught to them.

  • Access to mental, emotional health is also being taught to them.

  • This promotes the overall health of the school.

  • It also creates a good impact among children.

  • It creates the importance of taking care of our health among the children.

  • They tend to look after their hygiene without anyone's instructions.


School Health Education- Source- HealthBlog

Three main examples of health education

Hygiene promotion

Washing hands properly and eating timely is essential. Proper sanitation is very important. Napkins used during menstrual cycle has to be changed periodically. One napkin for the whole day is very dangerous to our health. It may even cause severe cancer in women. Napkins must be changed for every 3 to 5 hours. Clothes or any other stuffs should not be used instead of napkins. Clothes will sure be an entry gate of infectious agents that is why napkins are suggested. Acute respiratory infection is acquired due to poor sanitation. It also easily spreads due to improper hygiene. It increases mortality rates in adults. Diarrhoeal problems is also due to improper hygiene among children. Washing hands before and after food is a must and also wash your hands after using the restroom. It should be taught to the children.

Micronutrient education

The word micronutrient describes that the nutrients needed only in micro-level quantity in humans. Its quantity should not be increased. At the same time, these micronutrients contribute a major role in the regulation of hormones, enzymes. These hormones and enzymes regulate the various functions in our body. It also tells about the absence and presence of vitamins and minerals. Iodine, vitamin K, vitamin E, A etc. It plays an important role in growth and development of the individual.

HIV/AIDS education


Symbol for HIV/AIDS- Source: AddisStandard

Since everyone knows that there is no cure for HIV, safety measures and precautions could be taken to prevent HIV. Awareness should be given to people about safe sex practices, pregnant women, salon shops etc. They are also given an idea about antiretroviral treatment. These lessons are taught to people in mass media, classrooms, workshops etc.

Role of government in public health

  • Youths are given awareness on the effects of smoking and liquor.

  • Awareness is provided to all the people regarding HIV.

  • Health promotion programs are held periodically.

  • Government looks after the available resources.

  • Ensures the quality of the available resources.

  • Plans to manage the resources.

  • Increases productivity by analysing the financial resources.

  • Government recognises certain days as "Diabetes day", "Heart day", even in urban areas in order to create awareness.


Health Policy in India- Source: IndiaEducationDiary

Health education is always important from children to the old aged people. Knowledge of health guides us in the right path to look after our health and prevent diseases in our health. It is a gateway to know our own health and look after our health.



Profile of Devnest Undefined
Devnest Undefined  •  30w  •  Reply
Great Health Policies.