Hello everyone,Iam going to explain about the speed detection of vehicles using speed cameras.
SPEED CAMERA are now used all around the world to detect the speed of vehicles.
There are many types of speed cameras which are used based on the requirements.
Speed cameras are came into existence to limit the overspeed of vehicles to avoid accidents.Usually there are zones where speed is limited because of uneven road or u turns or accident prone zone,Even though the speed is limited all the drivers do not follow them in turn this may lead to accidents and deaths.To avoid this and to bring a strict rules the road department are using speed cameras.All these speed cameras are used in places where speed is limited.This may be useful at school zones,streetsways, Highways where speed is limited.

The camera is fixed at the top or at the roadside,when the vehicle comes near to the camera the camera detects the speed of the vehicle and if speed is in specified limit than the vehicle is ignored and if the vehicle passes the specified limit than the speed camera takes the picture of vehicle with number plate and sends the picture to specified road and traffic control department and the challan will be issued and there are chances of following the vehicle and take into custody.

Speed camera detects the speed of vehicles using ultraviolet rays or other rays by using the principal of Doppler effect or Radar effect.

In this way the speed camera detects the speed of the vehicle to avoid vehicle accidents.

Thank you
