What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

For me and most of us, it is unlocking the phone. I would say such is the role gadgets play in our life. They have intruded into our personal space and feelings.

When there were days where we woke up to mom calling us to waking up to the sound of alarm from our mobile...times have changed. In a day we use our mobile to set alarm, set reminders of birthdays, take notes, set deadline reminders, use social media, call your loved ones, message people, take pictures, listening to songs, watch videos on YouTube, Hotstar, Netflix, check emails etc., This shows how much our fingers type in this small gadget and how much of our time is literally spent fidgeting with your phone.


Most of the working people have a laptop of their own either used only for official purpose or both personal and official.

When every movie is available on Netflix /hotstar and on the internet, there is no need to go to a theatre and watch a movie. You can get updated every second on trending issues all over the world in front of you.

Information is just a click away.

You can write your own blog online, shop online with Amazon, Flipkart, make online payments, video calls with family if you are away from home and video conferencing for business purposes.

Technology is both a boon and bane.

You can gain a lot of knowledge at the same time learn to make a bomb. Ssshhh...yes you just read bomb.

The internet teaches you everything and anything.

Don't blame the teacher for learning something wrong. You are responsible for what you see, click and browse. Be careful of what you do online. The virtual world out there is dangerous. Stay on your guards, don't accept unknown requests in social media. It may be interesting to chat with a stranger but once things go out of hand you can never rectify it. There is also many fraudulent messages and calls regarding loan and cash rewards. All these are a strict NO. The recent blue whale app and the rubbish tasks that it came with is another example. So be aware of what you install. Update only necessary apps.

Never save passwords or credit card Pin numbers on your mobile. Check whether audio and camera are OFF in Google Chrome. Never share your pictures with anyone online.

You are the boss of your gadgets. Don't let it boss over you.


Profile of Natalia P Gonsalvez
Natalia P Gonsalvez   •  5y  •  Reply
Thank u Siva
Profile of Siva Siva
Siva Siva  •  5y  •  Reply
nice❤️keep it up😅