Destiny has its own guidelines and a rulebook . Fate anticipates our every move even before we think about it . Everything we are or will be is written in the Book of Destiny. The creases our palm encrypt our future and there is nothing we can do to change it.

If you agree with any of these things then you need to stop everything and think deeply about your beliefs. Destiny is all but a myth. It is a tool to strike fear in the hearts of The Coward and nip the bud of The Brave.

We are the architects of our own future. What you do today will decide what your future will look like. We carry all the power within us to Rewrite The Stars and claim what is ours. There is nothing stopping you exept for you self -doubt.

Believe you can do it and work will all your might and believe me you shall have it. They say it even God helps those who help themselves. Moping in a corner ,sulking about how destiny has wringed you will not make the situation better.

The brahmahstra called Dedication is right here with you. Use it. Enough Belief and Dedication will bring you to your heart's desire.

It's upto you ... It's upto me ;
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we Rewrite the stars
Maybe the world can we ours. Tonight.

