If you care about humanity and human life, believe me there is a lot of already born children, completly developed humans of which less than 2 less than 2% are given a home. Our major concern should be giving a proper life, food,education and safety to these underprevilieged children rather than giving away our precious time preventing abortion from being legal.

We all know that till 8 weeks of the gestation it is just an offspring developing inside (also termed as fetus) inside the womb. It doesn't have hands and legs,or feelings, but guess what who has all of that, children searching through scraps in hope of finding something for their survival. They have fallen under the bad influence poisoning their own life because they have no one to guide them or provide them safety.

Just because it's alive doesn't mean the women suddenly loses her right to self determination. Pregnancy is not easy even in the best circumstances, and it can easily become life threatning. We often hear cases of women dying during childbirth, even now in an advanced world full of medical facilities. So, how is it fair to ask for a living breathing human being to risk her life.

There are several cases where a women gets pregnant under the worst circumstances and the child had be born into a world where he faces nothing but cruelty, child abuse, child labor all of these due lack of safety. It's a crime forcing a child into such a life. A child should be born into a safe space where he is provided with love and care.

It's high time we focus on preserving the lives of a living breathing human being first.

