Positive thinking means a person is solution or success focused, whereas positive believing means a person has a reason to believe that they will succeed.
What is difference between positive thinking and positive believing?
There is a misconception that with positive thinking, everything is possible in life. No matter how positive I am, I cannot do a kidney transplant on someone and expect them to live. The reality is that positive thinking does not guarantee success. But, positive thinking with positive efforts and actions increases our probability of success.
EXAMPLE”Mohammad Ali, when he used to go into the ring, he used to think " i am the greatest, i am the champion .........i am the greatest, i am the champion." He never said, i hope i win . He used to psyche himself mentally .That was positive thinking or positive mental conditioning .He used to look at his opponent and say, “you have the belt but I am the champion.” Before he become a champion inside the ring, he become a champion outside .But he did not become the champion by only shouting “I’ am the greatest I’ am the champion.” while he was doing his positive thinking, he was not sitting in his living room, watch TV and popcorn all day long. He was in the ring punching the beg all the time. His positive thinking was backed with positive action which led him to believe that the result would be positive. POSITIVE THINKING IS A SUPPLEMENT, NOT A SUBSTITUTE TO AN ACTION PLAN.
When a person has a reason to believe that they will be successful, that is positive believing.
To succeed in life, one needs both the skill and the will. One without the other will not work. But between the two, will is a little more important than the skill. Skill can be matched but when you are down and hurt, that’s the time when your will is going to pull you up one more time, to get up and give one more push and that is the winning edge. Even though it has become a cliché, it skill makes great sense. The difference ‘between the ordinary and extraordinary is only the extra’.
Positive believing is more than positive thinking. It is, knowing that positive thinking will work. POSITIVE BELIEVEING IS AN ATTITUDE OF CONFIDENCE THAT COMES FROM PREPARATION.