The Greatest Challenges Of Our Generation

Mayuri Talgaonkar
May 02, 2019   •  107 views

After giving a lot of thought to the topic, I could only generalize one thing — Lack of safety. Lack of safe environment, be it the fast paced climate change or the environment we live in. The great challenges of this generation is survival, on one hand where some countries are taking major steps to reverse climate change there are some countries who refuse to believe in climate change in the face of catastrophe. Students are afraid of their routine of attending school every day because no one can assure them that they are going to return home safely. A great challenge this generation is facing is the nation's refusal to make gun reforms. It is so unbelievable that the government would risk the lives of the future generation so that some people don't have to give up their privileges.

Lack of safety because of lack of equality. Gender and religion are both social constructs, race and skin colour is something you are born into. Then how can some people make others feel unsafe just because they don't agree with their religion, gender, race, nationality and colour of the skin? There are approximately 7.7 billion people living on earth, how are they expected to be homogeneous like they are made from the same mould and material? People get attacked for something as basic and involuntary as their sexual orientation!

Lack of safety because of abuse of natural resources. The challenge of survival continues because of the continuous abuse of natural resources with the ever-increasing global population and pollution. Will this generation be able to survive or will it suffer the consequences of the mistakes and ignorance of its previous generations and die because of lack of clean air to breath, food to eat, water to drink or because of the hatred ?

The greatest problem this generation will have to face is keeping hope and working towards making this world a better place to live and not give in into its evil.

