Take Care of Yourself and your loved ones.

When you feel good and care for yourself, you are better able to give and care for others. Take some time out and consider:

1. Meditating or Sitting Quietly for 15 Minutes:A short break of quiet can do wonders and allows you to be more engaged and present in the moment.

2. Nurture Yourself:Practice good self care, get enough sleep, eat your veggies, and make time to nurture yourself.

3. Simplify:Simplify your plans, your schedule, your holiday meal. Look for ways to remove the things from your life that aren’t adding real value, connection, or love. When you simplify, you have more time and energy for the things that are really important.

4. Practice Gratitude:An attitude of gratitude can transform your life into a beautiful spring season. Take a few minutes each day to write down all the people and things you are grateful for this year. Notice the little things that make your life betteras well and feel gratitude.

5. Holiday Movies:Make time to watch at least one or two fun holiday movies with your friends and family. This is a great way to relax and feel the spirit while doing something low-key and fun.

6. Share Your Skills: Share your skills and express them to people. Mkae gifts for them. DIY stuff that you can gift and make the people around you happy and satisfied. Teach them what you know. Let them bulid their hobby too.

7. A List:Yes, a list! Write a list of all the things you appreciate about someone. The list will make their day and they can use it as a pick-me-up when they’re having a bad day.

Finally, Life is all about giving. Every person has the right to love and to be loved. Every human being deserves a happy life with compassion, love and care.