Try These Amazing Tips To Save Yourself From Summer Heat

Manasa Sharma
May 22, 2019   •  3 views

The summer is here and the temperature is killing us . At this point let me share these hacks to help you have a better summer .

1.Stay hydrated:
By this I not mean drinking lots of water but also include the foods that have high water content like cucumber , 🍉 watermelon, avacados, berries, etc .

You can also try having juices and detox drinks .
Here I share my recepie :
1. Water - 2 litres ( chilled/ normal)
American cucumber - 1
Mint - few leaves
Lemon 🍋 - 1
Squeeze lemon juice in to water and add slices of cucumber and mint leaves .
This is an amazing drink that keeps you hydrated detoxifying your body.
2. Chia seeds mixed with water along with some sugar also a good drink to keep yourself hydrated .

3. Coconut water is another gift by nature which cools down your body leaving you healthy hair and healthy skin .

You can also try Greek yoghurt which is another great option for people looking forward for a healthy lifestyle.

Skincare in summers:
We all are aware of the saying less is more .....but it doesn't count in skincare . You need to have a healthy diet to keep your skin healthy and glowing ....but you also need to take care of it with few steps.

1. Neem :
Try using neem face wash . This helps on cooling down your skin as well as protecting it from harmful bacteria and uv radiations.

Face mist :
It's a must in summers irrespective of your skin type . You can use this ina by part of the Day when you want some fresh vibes .

My recepies:
1. Rose mist :
Boil handful of petals in cup of water . Let it cool down . Take a spray bottle, add some aloe vera gel and rose water. This is very refreshing .

2. Cucumber mist :
Take slices of cucumber into a spray bottle add water and aloe vera gel. Spray whenever you want to refresh yourself.

The best moisturizer is aloe vera gel . It's a must in your bag ...good for all genders any all skin types .This doesn't make your skin oily and soooooo refreshing.

You can apply aloe vera gel to your face ,body , hair, and leave it for 10-20 mins . Rinse with water and mild cleanser . Experience the best moisturized hair and body . Use often to have better results.! 😋

A MUST !!!
I know alot of us ( including me ) avoid sunscreen but it's a must have in summers . It not only prevents tanning and pigmentation but also protects you from harmful radiations of sun.

Walnuts - pack moisture in skin
Flax seeds , fishes like mackerels, salmon cabbage , broccoli etc.,
They hydrate your body leaving a youthful skin .
Important things to note :
1. Wash your body twice a day and hair every alternate day . This not only makes you feel fresh but also eliminates diet cleaning your pores .

2. Scrub your body once a week . This eliminates dead skin cells and gives you supple skin.
3. If you are someone who travels very often , always carry a scarf to cover your hair and avoid sun for that extra protection. Use sunglasses to protect your eyes . You can also use a face mist when you need refreshment.

4 . Try wearing light clothes to allow air and avoid sweating . Cotton is best textile
5. Have plans of loosing weight???
Well ,it's the best time to do so ....
Include liquids in your diet and keep yourself hydrated all the day long . Avoid junk and work out for 30-45 mins.

Since you sweat a lot in summer it's the best time to get rid of toxins and working out reduces cholesterol help you loosing weight.

6. You can have lemon water and sharbath ( homemade) to enjoy summers .
7. Have issues with puffy eyes - don't worry ! Here's a tip
Place 2 teaspoons in refrigerator for 10 mins . Put them under your eyes .... you'll notice the reduction of puffiness after a few uses.

1. Spicy food:
Avoid foods that contain masalas like biryani ( I know it's difficult) because it causes dehydration and digestive problems .

2. Avoid fried foods, oily foods and beverages rich in caffeine
and soft drinks.
3. Avoid protein diets _ yes, you are right it's not really safe to have protein rich diets ....they cause digestive issues and breakouts of skin .

4. Avoid eating raw onions . They make your body smell bad.
5. Avoid a lot of make up in summers .Else your makeup melts and leaving your face bad .

That's it !! Pull your bags out and move for a vacation ...don't forget to have lots of water.



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