Often are the times when we are just stuck between the past and the future. When we just can't help getting over our pasts and brood over the countless ifs that could have happened instead. Or, when we just imagine the innumerable possibilities that our future may behold. So what if we are given a chance, as our present-day selves to offer advice to a five year older version of ourselves? What all would we possibly say to the older version of us if time travel ever exists? Read on to know what a detailed letter to the future self will look like.

Dear Five year older self,

I know this may come as a surprise and will be highly unexpected from your side. But, I need you to stop doing whatever you are doing and pay attention to all that I've got to say. Firstly, I want you to call your parents right now. I know very well that you have been working on that office project for days now, and haven't had any spare moment to call them. So just pick up your cell phone and talk to them. They've been eagerly waiting for you to do so.

Well, I know that you are going through a tough phase. Through all those years of childhood days, when you have yearned to be adults, matured and bestowed with all sorts of rights and validations. And now when finally you are so, you miss those carefree days of simplicity and irresponsibility. I just want you to remember that life is not a sprint but a race in which your target is not only to win but also to learn. So be gentle with yourself. Embrace your flaws and messes. And let it all go. Cherish your experiences because it's all fated. Accept your past that led you to your present and live in the moment itself.

Also, I want you to start living your life in real. Shrug off all the worries and enjoy each and every bit of life gifted to you. Yes, I understand that you need to work. You need to do those late night shifts and office assignments by the deadline. But, steal a minute for yourself to watch that beautiful rainbow in the evening sky, or to go out for a cup of strong tea on a rainy day, or to feel the morning sunshine on your skin or to savor every bite of that delicious food without any worries of weight gain. Enjoy it. All of it. Because it's those little things that matter at the end of the day, that fills us with immense joy.

And never be afraid of falling in love. With a person or with yourself. You are worth everything. Don't let anyone undermine your existence. Don't let anyone make you believe otherwise. Get over the heartbreak caused, and learn to move on with life, things and people.

Last but not the least, never let the kid in you die. Let the innocence in you stay as long as you live. And take care of yourself, because you may not be fit as I am.

Life has been one hell of a rollercoaster with interesting, crazy, fun, boring, unexpected and emotional turns. Despite all these ups and downs, you need to make a way for your dreams for them to be true. Never have any regrets. Because you were, are and have always been and will be yourself. And that's what matters above everything else.


Yourself five years ago.





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