The Tragic Life And The Miraculous Death.....

Madhav Kumar
Apr 04, 2019   •  22 views
Life is but a dream for the dead.

Playing is good for health , unless life and death become the players. They have their own rules beyond our understanding. A 500 gram moving object was found in a dustbin and brought to hospital. It had been left by an unwed mother. As a basic relief she got a table and bulb above for warmth. Regular visits for her death were made for 48 hours but she didn’t stop moving so an oxygen mask was put on her and fed with the help of tube. The girl did not die. It defied all rules. Everyone started feeding her to make her last moments comfortable which was simply not coming. LaterLater , the owner of hospital took her home and gave her some personal care. Six months and she was 3 kg normal child except for a few collapses and miracles. She was later adopted by a couple with herself at no abnormality. She had lived define all laws of medicine.

Another side story:a husband came to know of his wife’s extramarital affair and went lonely. There was a failed abortion but her parents refused her to make a claim. The child went under complex surgery.The unhappy parents accused the officials for their neglect.So a shift was made to a better hospital. Money became an issue for the family and they got the childdischarged against all the medical advices. They took no medical aid with them. The village where they took her criticized them for bringing a dying child home. They had to rush back to the same hospital with a pale blue child. She was given resuscitation and ventilation. Lack of money again entered the scene and the hospital was out of its way to help. A second time an upset father took her away. After a few weeks the doctors had heard that the child lives. She has been brought up by a granny who had removed all the tubes and had begun feeding her in the end moments. However the child had help from other powers. There was again no end moment. One doctor commented wryly after all this saga – “Despite our best efforts the child lives”.

A doctor comes by miracles all his life and finally has to surrender to the higher power , after few such cases -- the game of life and they sat – “I treat and He cures” .The only truth that leads in medicine.

