Mental Health: Is It Really Important?

Likhita S
Mar 26, 2019   •  15 views
It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver. –Mahatma Gandhi

Healthis definedas the well-being of a person physically, mentally as well as, socially. The usual idea of being healthyis concernedonly with your body. Therefore, people with mental illnesses rarely come forward and express their problems. This, is because having any sort of mental illnessis seenas a sign of being weak. Due to such mindset, many people tend to ignore and hide their health problems.

The present generation especially, is under a lot of stress andthereforetherehave been increasingcases of mental illnesses. In a society, where there is a lot of competition, the constant urgeto besuccessful, the pressure to have a job and settle down before a particular age and many more expectations are the causes of these problems. Usually, when a person doesn’tachievethe goals set by the society, that personis seenas a failure. Therefore, there is this continuous pressure to do well and achieve that goal, even if that is not what a person truly wants.

Aside from such expectations, there are some standards set by the society which a person must meet,to bea part of the society. Suppose, these standards are not met by anyone, then they become an outcast in the society. To adjust into the society and meet its standards, takes a toll on many, since they feel that it is necessary and a normal thing to do. In the process of doing so, many tend to forget themselves and their individuality. It is essentialto bea part of the society, but not at the cost of losing one’s individuality and oneself.

To be healthy mentally, it is important to have self-love. Loving oneself is much more difficult than it seems. To accept one’s mistakes and shortcomings, while not giving up is an enormous task. Loving oneself gives happiness. It boosts confidence in a person and enables a person to make better choices. Always believe inyourself. Asking for others’ opinions is not wrong, but following whatever others say just because what one wants is not approved by everyone is wrong, unless itis incorrect.

Also, when a person has a mental illness, that person has to come forward and talk about it with someone who can help, and receive proper treatment. Meditation is also helpful for mental well-being. The society has to do its part, by changing its thinking. The thought, that having a mental problem is a sign weakness, has to go. The society has to accept that mental illness is a real thing and that it hasto betaken very seriously.

