In today's world, the first and foremost thing that people rely on for information is media. With the rapid spread around the world, it has become accessible to nook and corner of the earth. Be it the people in the United States of America or the people in the rural villages of South Africa, everyone of us gain knowledge about the current affairs around the world only through media. With respect to its wide coverage, what ever is being circulated through media tends to have a huge impact on the people. Having acquired the attention of the people, the personalities who control the media have the capability to manipulate the opinions and attitudes of the people. Wherein, people can be retrieved from the control of media by creating the awareness on the negative influence of media.

People these days have become scapegoats for the producers of the products. Whoever has the intention to showcase their products (either the harmful or harmless ones) choose media to advertise their products. The present generation is mostly caught up with the technological gadgets to gather information or to while away the time rather than making use of it constructively. In such cases, as technology eats up too much of an individual's time, the business people have chosen the media to get to the customers. Whether it might be a television, newspaper, mobile phone or computer everything has got the influence of media in it. If an individual is habituated to use any of these medium, he would definitely become a victim of the media.

For instance, if a person tends to possess an electronic gadget, he might have the need to access the device in the times of requirements. When an individual peeks into these gadgets, not only do they attain what they need but also additional advertisements in the forms of pop-ups. Whether does he require the product or not, having seen the advertisement for an extended period of time, the person tends to buy that commodity. In addition to that, media also plant certain habitual beliefs in the people as to how an individual should be or not be. Basically, advertisements have the efficiency to shift the perception of people. Ultimately, media is only a platform which is operated by certain group of people for their revenue.

Though people are influenced by media in terms of advertisements and films, can they be retrieved from them by creating awareness. The awareness can be given on the motives of the firms that sell the products for their benefit. In addition to that, the negative impact of the products can be exposed to the world with proof. In order to stop people from becoming victims of those products, they should be taught to analyse the strategies that the media possess. Once a person is aware of the gimmicks followed by the media, he might become cautious in buying any product that the media sell. Though media takes every possible action to sell its products, creating awareness on the real motives and educating the strategies that media uses could help the people to stop being the victims of media.

