Global Warming And It's Effect On Our Lifestyle

Kunal Singh
Apr 02, 2019   •  1 view

Global warming is basically rise in temperature of earth's surface due to various reasons. Greenhouse gases gets trapped inside earth's atmosphere and this results in rise of temperature of earth's surface. Global warming has adverse effects on different kind of life present on earth.

Now, talking about major contributors of global warming, first comes industries, they emit a lot of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide ,etc.

Carbon dioxide is a major green house gas which causes most of global warming. Basically, what greenhouse gases do is they trap the heat which earth receive all day and don't let the heat escape earth's atmosphere at night. So, this increases overall temperature of earth's atmosphere gradually. Industries get power by burning coal which leads to depletion of natural resources and reservoirs of coal and also promote global warming. Now coming to pollution made by our vehicles. Today almost everyone has a vehicle in their house, this is probably not a good news for us as for a single person also everyone uses their own mode of transport which in turn creates more pollution and successively contribute to global warming as burning of fuel such as petrol and diesel emits a lot of greenhouse gases.

Ozone layer depletion also has an important role in helping increase global warming. Ozone layer is made up of a colourless gas, ozone, which has three molecules of oxygen and it is present in stratosphere of our atmosphere. It makes the ultraviolet rays and different harmful rays of sun to rebound after hitting it and thus protecting us from harmful effects of those rays. Now, due to depletion of ozone layer, these rays easily gets inside our atmosphere and gets trapped due to effect of greenhouse gases leading to global warming. These rays also causes different kinds of deadly disease such as skin cancer.Increase in levels of gases such as chlorine and bromine are some causes of ozone layer depletion. But the major participant in ozone layer depletion is chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which leads to almost 80% of total ozone layer depletion. Other gases responsible for ozone depletion are hydrocluorofluorocabons (HCFCs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Global warming also leads to temperature rise of earth's atmosphere annually. Mean temperature increase form 1951 to 1980 is 14.5°.

Climate model projections summarized in the report indicated that during the 21st century, the global surface temperature is likely to rise a further 0.3 to 1.7 °C (0.5 to 3.1 °F) to 2.6 to 4.8 °C (4.7 to 8.6 °F) depending on the rate of greenhouse gas emissions. Temperature increase results to glacier melting and thus rise in sea levels. Even a little rise in sea levels will result in destruction of coastal areas and habitats of different creatures living in coastal areas. This will also result in flooding, soil erosion, contamination of water present in costal areas as sea water is very alkaline in nature. Now, the most important reason for global warming is deforestation. Deforestation has adverse effects on climate of different areas. Soil erosion takes place due to deforestation and which further results in decreasing fertility of soil. Roots of trees hold the soil together preventing soil erosion. We know that trees breath carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and exhale oxygen and this is very helpful process as this will result in balancing carbon and oxygen levels in atmosphere. Global warming has also destroyed many life forms and made them extinct which is really very sad for us. We humans are using more resources than required for our living, we are exploiting the resources of nature.

Due to severe condition due to global warming now people are more focused on decreasing the use of things that may contribute to global warming. Instead of petrol and diesel engines, nowadays CNG engines are more preferred. CNG engines emit water as byproduct and almost no harmful gases. Many companies are focusing on building efficient electric powered engines to reduce use of fuel and also these engines are more economical as compared to petrol and diesel engines. Governments are enforcing to use conventional sources of energy for production of electricity which will reduce the burning of coal for production of electricity and hence reducing pollution. Conventional sources of energy does not produce any harmful gases in our environment. Height of chimneys are increased to certain height so that harmful gases do not release into our environment. Replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. Walk, bike or take mass transit more often. You'll save one pound of carbon dioxide for every mile you don't drive! Public transport should be used as much as possible to reduce pollution. Trees must be planted on a large scale as a single trees absorbs a ton of carbon dioxide in its lifetime. Electric devices should be turned off when not in use. So these were some measures to prevent global warming.

