We know that our nature is degraded day by day due to our actions and different kinds of harmful pollution made by we humans. So, in order to protect our environment from these acts many organisations have been formed and they are working on different projects to save the nature. Government of different countries are also involved in these campaigns and to promote their activities many ads are shown on social media related to their work and asking people to participate in them as much as possible.
I would like to list some of the campaigns taking place around us.
1) CamelBak #DitchDisposable Pledge
In this campaign, one can participate for 30 days(longer than 30 days if you wish to do so). Campaigners have to pledge to ditch disposable plastic water bottles in favor of regular old tap water. One person going disposable for 30 days saves almost 18 bottles from entering landfills. These bottles can be used to carry water for work. Make sure that you should not stop doing this even after 30 days to contribute more to our nature.
2) No farms No food
Food production have changed nowadays. Small farms that supply fresh food to their localities and disappearing very fast. The message of this campaign is simple: support your local food farms as they are the source for fresh food in your locality, imported foods are often preserved by chemicals which are dangerous for our health. These foods produced in local farms are healthier than manufactured one as these are greener and more nutritious than packed food. This campaign uses money to protect these local farms and educate people about these farms.
We know that most food wastage occur due to expiration of foods that are kept for too long in homes. So in order to prevent this, this campaign was started . It aims at educating people to save food and reduce wastage. We must buy food that should be sufficient for us to finish before they rot or expire.
4) I want to be
This campaign is a collaboration of Keep America Beautiful and Ad Council. It aims at converting plastic and different non-degradable substance into useful objects such as benches and decorative objects. This is one of the best way to get rid of plastic garbage right now. Rather than cutting more tree to make furniture we should reuse the waste plastic.
5) Trees for cities
This London-born organization aims to strengthen communities, beautify cities, and improve urban environments worldwide by developing beautiful, utilitarianurban green spaces. Trees not add beauty to our surrounding but they are most important for our survival on this planet. They help clean the air by absorbing pollutants, provide oxygen, save water, and grow food. You can also participate in this by fundraising events.
Rather than these there are numerous organisation that are coming up to protect environment. You can also protect our nature by changing some of your daily habits such as rather than using electricity from thermal power plant wemust install solar panels of our roof as this is the most convenient way to use electricity without emitting any kind of pollution, follow the three R's to conserve landfill space and natural resources, volunteer for cleanups in your locality and educate people about saving nature, shop wisely - buy less plastic bags and bring reusable bags home, use less water to prevent water shortages and runoffs, use long- lasting light bulbs and plant trees as much as possible. You can also do more than the list provided above. Nature cannot be saved just by celebrating world environment day once a year and planting trees in that day only. Everyday should be World environment day for us. We must aim at reducing use of substance that are harmful for the nature.