The trend of saying "I love you" has always been followed by every generation.A toddler is taught to love others, a teen loves the company of his/her friends and adults love their children. But nobody ever says "i love myself". Self-love is not something called self-obsession but to feel good about yourself, unconditionally. Others will be attracted to your personality only when you dont under estimate yourself and love yourself. Be headstrong, carry that potential to spread happiness and positive vibes around you. But that is never happening until you feel good about yourself. You are never too single, but always in a relationship with yourself.

The relationship between you and your life is beautiful. When to try to get indulged in productive activities, you overcome your weaknesses. Keep yourself busy with different stuff and work. Have you heard about the famous proverb " An idle mind is a devil's workshop ". When you perform any activity,you gradually start learning and growing. If you have interest in music,learn it or if you like to dance, perform it or if you like to express your thoughts, write it. It has two benefits. Firstly, you are never idle. And secondly, you get better at your skills that boosts up your self-confidence. Nobody can learn or perform for you. Be your self hero and be what you are .Dont let the world tell you who to be.

Everybody wants to be independent. But for that start doing and getting involved in activities which will provide you direction towards a right path. Dont be dependent on others to help you, when you can do it yourself. Intially its difficuly to cope with situations, but eventually you heal-off. You know how to fight demons and reach the path of self-dependence. Everything is temporary in this world, except your belief and trust on yourself.

Do you really know yourself ?Instead of scrolling your cellphone or tinkering tablets, spending time with yourself can reap enormous benefits. Try to get involved in activities you actually enjoy. Quiet time helps you to tackle the world and sort your problems. It is true that we need people around, but sometimes tackling and resolving problems on your own brings out the best result. You get to know more about yourself and make the required tarnsformation. Living in peace gives you courage to carry on. A mirror could only give you an inverted image but its your responsibility to bring real understanding of who you actually are.

Learning is a never-ending process. You dont require others to improve your shortcomings. You learn everyday by creating mistakes, because it is a practical approach to learn and live. Be your own cheerleader and work on your shortcomings. Listen to music, learn a new language, work on your fitness or become a good reader. Nobody is never too perfect. You are strong enough to control the brake, accelerator and cluth of your life. Remember, you are your self-support, your own sunshine and a beautiful chapter of your own book.

