Life Is Action, Not Contemplation

Manmeet Roy
Jun 04, 2019   •  154 views

This is a very thought-provoking line, which inspires us to know the real meaning of life. Life is an admixture of harmony and discord, birth and death, sorrow and happiness. Similarly, contemplation and action are two important facts in life. One is likely to a contemplative mood every now and then, followed by an urge to go far instantaneous action.

Contemplation can be interpreted in two ways. First, it is auin to medication and positive quality, which helps to acquire peace of mind. When a person placed under adverse circumstances, he has no course left open to him but to derive sustenance from a contemplative, meditative and serene temperament, which in turn helps him to recover his confidence. On the other hand, contemplation also means just to brood over the past happenings, which is the worst kind of mental exercise. Such a state of mind makes one utterly inactive, and the person loses all enthusiasm in life. He feels too lethargic to do anything. The person becomes a lotus-eater with dreamful case and unburnished energy. This kind of contemplation is bad and should be disliked by one and all.

Action is the main force around us, and the only truth in life which keeps us ambitious and dynamic. Without it, everything seems dull, inactive and lifeless. In fact, life means action. Everyone must act in order to succeed in life and must be adventurous enough to take risks and bear the uncertainties of life. Behind every great man’s story of success, there is a story of his actions. They did not brood over their failures, they rose to the occasion, fought the challenges of life with determination and perseverance. So we learn from them that the secret of success according to them consists in action, and not in idle contemplation.

If we judge the two sides impartially, we shall come to the conclusion that idle contemplation, nor thoughtless action is desirable in life. One needs to learn to strike a balance between the two extremes. In moments of contemplation, we can assess one’s past actions, learn from our experiences and plan our future accordingly. If we sit idle, nothing will ever happen to us. If we don't change ourselves and become more active in our lives, we won't be able to lead a happy life. Our lives will remain unproductive and full of regrets. Thus, if we strike a balance between both of them, we can make a more productive, happy and successful life.



Profile of Hamid Majeed
Hamid Majeed  •  4y  •  Reply
well written