Everyone would love to choose the career which they dreamt of .Sometimes choosing a career depends upon the family standards .Not everyone can afford to build a career they dreamt of due to family conditions ....
Passion is something which creates a strong emotion in your mind regarding the work you wish to do .Identity is something which you do in order to gain some identity
in the society through the work you do .We all read , heard and became familiar with the quotes about passion .Everyone would influence the young minds to have a passion in life on various things even if they don’t want to have ,through their influencing quotes, statements etc. The identity is built by family conditions like the individual is forced to do a work even when he is not interested in doing it ( The two are bit confusing but you will get an idea .Read on.)
All of us are going ahead with life .Each of us are doing better in life , but still how many of you can say that "I’m doing the job with passion " ? Sounds weird? but that’s the reality ! ..Everyone would choose Medicine / Engineeringbecause everyone are opting for it and they don’t believe in their passion ! ....They start identifying or acknowledging their passion and interests only when they step into the shoes of graduation ..what’s the use in studying theoretical subjects when you are interested in doing films or any practical job other than theory based jobs ? ..There are still people who do B.tech for 4 years only for the parents satisfaction , who are very passionate about doing films ...Its not the fault of parents or the students , but its definitely the fault of society , relatives , and the educational institutions who influence the young minds with their influential statements saying "I know what is right what is wrong !", " I have better experience than you so listen to me ", Films are just not going to workout " , " Study hard and get settled in US like your elder brother "
Have a look on the below short film to have better Idea about what you are doing with life and what you should do to follow your passion ...
All in allmy dear young minds don’t get influenced by anyone even if it is your own parents .Do what you feel is right .Don’t get compromised with the uninterested job you do , quit it and follow your passion ; and sometimes that’s important .Don’t worry even if u fall while building steps to your future take it asa experience to build one more step ..Don’t worry about identity you can create it even with the job you do with passion !
Identify your passion to get identified in society