Yeah ….What makes you Happy is your Love for

The Thing..Thought.. Action..

To do whatever your mind longs for….

“Passion” … So called as it is a journey itself.

The ability to create whatever kind of life we want is to….

Keep trying new things…….

Passion ..yeah !…

It’s a strong desire that gets you …

To do amazing things in life…

That mad feel for something …

You love it L..when you hate it..:)

Some say "Passion is the fuel in the fire of action”.

Do you think it’s true…?


A Desire fueled by Passion.

Brings about the greatest result in life…

The fire that Pushes you through Difficult times ….

Never gives us the chance to judge what it takes to become better.

 Find yourself hot on its trail, don’t give it up….

Finding Your Passion is like finding yourself your comfort zone..

Maybe you work a good job.

That pays all the bills!

Doesn’t allow you to truly follow your Passion.

You’re afraid of what will happen if you change things up.

Yes, change is scary!... But….

Don’t settle for the bare minimum…

Just because it’s working out right now.

Even when you pursue your passion,

you will find yourself tripped up by failures and other obstacles.

You can’t let that get to you.

It happens to everyone on the path of following their passion.

Hey, You know what? there is no child dancing without even fell at least 1000 times.

 Change is a common thing….Yep

Don’t let obstacles get you down.

Come on…Let’s Rock..




Profile of Venkatesh Siva
Venkatesh Siva  •  3y  •  Reply
Nice 👍🙂