Fordite :Man Made Mineral From Car Paints

Kavya Choragudi
Mar 19, 2019   •  5 views

Fordite is not some natural occuring rock, but is considered as a mineral. It is also known as Detroit agate.

Now how is Fordite made? Around 1930's, the cars in America would be painter using spray techniques and excess paint was left.

These excess or over-sprayed layers would be baked and hardend in ovens repeatedly and the resultant materials were then shaped.

These were also used to make jewelry which became very popular back then.

It also got it's name as the paint was often derived from the Ford automibiles. Each agate has a unique pattern inside it. Jewelry of all sorts are made out of this Fordite i.e earrings, necklaces, rings etc which would take beautiful shapes.

