Ada Lovelace: Mother Of Computer Programming

Kavya Choragudi
Mar 21, 2019   •  42 views

Augusta Ada King(Ada Lovelace)is was a writer and mathematician and is considered to be the world's first computer programmer.

She was the first person who identified that machines had purpose beyon just calculating.
Hence she is considered as the first to recognise the potential of a computing machine.

Ada's mother was a mathematician and her father was the poet Lord Byron.
At the age of 12 she taught herself geometry, studied anatomy of birds and started sketching plans for self-powered flight, and, assumed future aviation 75 years before the first flight itself.

She wrote notes on Babbage’s analytical engine but they gained attention after a century of her death as they were so ahed of time, it took time to understand and analyse it.

A computer programming language is named "Ada" in her honor.

