Balanced diet meansintake of food materials which could provide all important constituents vital for the growth and maintenance of the body in abundance amount in which they are required by our body. It means eating the actual and right amount of edibles from all food groups. A proper balanced diet includesappropriate quantity and quality according to the requirement of a human body. It must contain adequate amount of essential constituents.Food should be nutritious and include all macro and micro nutrients. Everyone wants to live a healthy life. Food is a good base for maintaining health. Nutrition is a dynamic mixture of various substances, which are very essential for a healthy life.

Macro nutrients includes the majority of individual’s diet. Carbohydrates, proteins, minerals , ftas nad water are the macro nutrients. Carbohydrates are the most vital sources of energy and constitutes carbon, hydrogen and oxygen . There are two main types of carbohydrates i.esimple nad composite carbohydrates. Glucose, fructose, lactose are the types of carbohydrates. They are sugar and sweet in taste. Proteins include carbon,oxygen and hydrogen and sulphur sometimes. They are turned into amino acids by our digestive system. Less amount of protein could lead to many deficiency diseases named marasmus and kwashiorkor.

Fats are also an important nutrition and they includes oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. They keep us warm and protect our organs. They could be classified according to the structures. Intake of saturated fats increases the chances of heart diseases due to increase of cholesterol in the blood. They are essential in diet but quantity should be in limited amounts. Otherwise it could even cause obesity and various other diseases.

Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen and helps in transportation of nutrients to the body cells. As we all know human body is almost made of water. So water is very essentialfor different chemical reactions. It should be taken in a large amount.

There are different micro nutrients that should included in a balanced diet. Vitamins and minerals are micro nutrients. When further classified minerals includes calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, copper, cobalt etc. Our 4 percent of weight is made up of minerals. So that’s why they are an important part of balanced diet. They keep bones, teeths nad muscles healthy. They even helps in the formation of hormones and maintenance of heart beat etc. Vitamins are the chemicals which are required for our healthy body. There are two groups of vitamins i.e fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins. Vitamin A, D, E, K B, C aresome types of vitamins and very essential for a human body.

A balanced diet is necessary for the growth, maintenance and development of an individual and it helps in keeping a person healthy.



Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  4y  •  Reply
liked your work!...plz check mine too
Profile of Rashmi Bari
Rashmi Bari  •  4y  •  Reply
Informative and well written.
Profile of Chauhan Sumedha
Chauhan Sumedha  •  4y  •  Reply
Good. Do check my articles as well