What To Do With The People Who Criticize You?

Kanak Singh
May 11, 2019   •  66 views

It is common for human nature to criticize as the psychological structure of our brain which enables cognitive abilities compels the human mind to question everything as soon as they are presented to them. Well, this is not the case for all as some humans who have achieved untiring control over their mind can stop themselves from criticising everything in order to avoid constant chaos or utter humiliation.

It happens so often that you try to work upon something which is important to you. You work incessantly and when it finally comes out, you receive a good amount of appreciation from a good lot of people. But, all of a sudden a person comes who is there to depreciate your work. That person would criticize you and your work in every way possible and for a moment you may feel all your work is worthless. You may get angry or sorrowful. Sometimes you may cry.

But is it a solution?

Is crying your eyes out or fighting everyone who tries to denounce you worth it?


For a moment, forget about all the criticism and try to analyze the situation. When a good amount of people appreciated you, then why these one or two particular people are being so negative?

It may give rise to two conclusions:-

  1. That person is afraid of the truth

  2. That person is being insecure

Truth is that they are afraid that you are much better than them and your excellence makes them insecure that they can never be good enough as you are. This gives rise to a very strong emotion called immense jealousy, which makes them do all the nonsensical stuff of irrational criticism.

So, instead of letting yourself down just because of one or two utterly disgraceful humans, embrace all the people who appreciate you. Trust me you would feel better.

In the context of criticism, one of the great poets of India, Saint Kabir, wrote a verse (Doha) which would certainly provide some further reassurance regarding how to deal with critical people. The Doha is:-

Nindak niyare rakhiye, aangan Kuti chawae... Bin pani sabun bina, Nirmal kare suhae...

By this verse or Doha, Kabir is trying to say that the one who criticizes you must be kept in the close company always as the one who criticizes you are capable of rinsing your personality and behaviour without using natural cleanser water or artificial cleaner soap. In simple words critical people see past out goodness and when they point out your mistakes as criticism try to take it as a compliment and work upon it to make yourself perfect. Many times people may criticize you for no reason just for the sake of breaking your determination. At that moment think of this:

What to do with the people who criticize you?
Well, appreciate them, embrace them and Move on. Your life will be much easier.
