Why It Is Important To Be Honest And Truthful....

Kajal Sharma
Apr 18, 2019   •  31 views

When it comes to being honest with yourself, some times it gets in the way of you expressing who you really are. That's because the truth about your situation is not the truth about who you are.

If your current situation is not what you want, then being honest about it is not going to be very careful to you. Because being honest about it keeps you repeating the same story in your head, and in turns, keeps you experiencing the same situation and the same feeling surrounding it.

The trouble is we are told over and over that we need to accept the truth about ourselves and our reality. And most of the time, we're not looking at the core truth, but the circumstantial truth. This is a big difference.

Becoming aware of the fact that what you are experiencing is not what you want is useful. Because without that awareness you would not know that it's something you want to change. Telling the truth about it over and over, however, is not very useful. It keeps you on a merry-go-round of conditioning yourself to believe that is just the ways things are.

