Illiteracy results in ignorance and in turn leads to superposition. Villages often oppose programmes that are meant to help them because of superstitious beliefs. They believe that diseases are the curse of God's and goddess's. Thus, instead of qualified doctors they go to quacks and witch doctors. Similarly, they do not realize that it is better to have fewer children, so that they can afford to give them better food and education. They do not even make use of medical facilities available at Primary Health Centres. It is true that medical facilities available at village level are not adequate. However, even those that exist are not properly utilized.

Lack of education also results in the spread of diseases. Villagers are not aware of the fact that drinking water can be purified with chlorine and potassium permanganate. They are also not aware that clean personal habits, clean surroundings and purified water are all essential for good health. Many farmers do not know that modern scientific methods of agriculture can be utilized to increase production of crops. They are not aware that fertilizers, better irrigation facilities and scientific rotation of crops can help them to produce three crops per year instead of one or two. Thus, ignorance and superstition are inter-linked. They bring numerous hurdles in the way of development.

