Sleeping well directly affects your physical and mental health and the quality of your waking life. It can take a serious toll on your day time productivity, energy, emotional balance and even your weight.

Getting a good night sleep may seem like an impossible goal when you are wide awake upto late night but you have much more control on your sleep then you probably realise.

Unhealthy daytime habits and lifestyle can leave you tossing and turning at night and adversely affect your mood, brain and heart , health, immune system , creativity ,vitality and weight.

Getting in sync with your body's natural sleep wake cycles or circadian rhythms is one of the most important strategies for sleeping better. If you keep a regular sleep wake schedule , you will feel much more energized and refreshed than if you sleep the same number of hours at different times.

Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time each day. This helps your body's internal clock and optimise the quality of your sleep. Choose a bedtime when you normally feel tired so that you don't toss and turn.

People who exercise regularly sleep better at night and feel less sleepy during the day . Regular exercise also improves the symptoms of insomnia and increase the amount of time you spend in the deep and restorative sleep.

The more vigorously you exercise, the more powerful the sleep will come. But light exercise also improves sleep quality.

A good sleep is must for better lifestyle !

