Difference In The Ideals Of Parents And Children

Jhanvi Shah
Mar 11, 2019   •  223 views

As we step into the modern society, we open ourselves to new ideas and we summon different changes into our lives. As we all know, change is essential as it helps a person to grow and evolve and become a better version of themselves. However different people react and adapt differently to changes. Here, we talk about the difference,as to how parents and children that is an older generation and a newer generation react to the ideals and beliefs of the modern society.

To begin with let us talk about how these two different generations have reacted regarding the acceptance of LGBT into our society. The older generation have had their reservations about them, however, the new generation has opened their arms and accepted them without judgement. The new generation is all about exploring new ideas and reinventing themselves, they live in the moment and are open to new ideologies. The older generation, on the other hand firmly believe that their social beliefs are not to be challenged and are to be accepted without question. They frown upon the idea that a female might have romantic feelings, sexual desire for another female or that a man gets married to another man. This is because our forefathers left them with little to no choice when it came to having their own opinion or having a choice who to marry. There was no question of experimenting with one's self in the older society, there was not much scope for the growth of an individual. The new modern society concentrates more on the character and behaviour of a person , not on his or her sexuality.

Another issue that these two generations disagree upon is live in relationship.
A live in relationship is a relationship where two people live together without tying the knot. Marriage is a holy institution and rushing into it leads to a lot of problems which eventually leads to divorce. A live in relationship gives you a chance to get to know the other person, learn about his or her habits and come to a decision whether you would be compatible with each other in the long run. The older generation thinks of it as an insult to the institution of marriage. They are big on compromise and they think that compatibility should not be an issue when it comes to marriage. You just compromise along the way. The new generation believes that compatibility plays an important role when marriage is concerned.



Profile of Rohan Ramchandani
Rohan Ramchandani  •  6y  •  Reply
Very Truee
Profile of Jhanvi Shah
Jhanvi Shah  •  5y  •  Reply